Why We Need our Own Mask First

Why We Need our Own Mask First

You can't care for someone else if you have nothing to give.

You Can't Pour from an Empty Cup. 

Women have heard these statements and more their entire lives. 

The airplane rules of putting on your own oxygen mask makes a clear point of how important it is take care of yourself first.
It's easy to understand this when it's about our survival right?
We NEED: oxygen, food, water, sleep.
We need all this and more to provide for and care for our families.
Then why do we feel like self care is not part of what we need to care for and provide for the people around us?
Here is another one: Self Care is NOT Selfish! And at the risk of alienating some people: So what if it was and every now and then we did act a tiny bit selfish. 
I think we would be better for it. 
Creative activities can give us:
  • a feeling of calm
  • peace
  • a release from stress
  • fun
  • joy
  • a meditative experience
  • beauty
  • a sense of accomplishment
  • relaxation
  • relief from grief
  • and make our heart happy
These feelings and experiences are definetely worth prioritizing? These feelings and experiences are easy to accomplish through creativity and art. 
Let me show you one way on my Youtube Channel at Another way 
Teresa's Spot for Easy Simple Beginner Art.
You can learn this painting and many more by heading over to my Youtube Channel. Hit the Subscribe button so you will be notified each week when I upload a new video tutorial. 
Another way to take a small window of time for yourself to create these feelings and experiences an easy way is by ordering one or more of my
complete Art kits for Fall:

For me, this list is vital to feeling healthy and balanced in my life. After struggling with my sister's unexpected death, I have come to realize the importance of creativity and art in my life. 
We all know the saying: "Life is too Short". It certainly is.
When I am in a good place, I have SO much more to give to others.
 We need: 
  • a feeling of calm
  • peace
  • a release from stress
  • fun
  • joy
  • a meditative experience
  • beauty
  • a sense of accomplishment
  • relaxation
  • relief from grief
  • and make our heart happy

Almost as much as we need oxygen, water, food and sleep.

Take some time for Self Care. 

It is OKAY!


til next time,




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