Welcome 2024!!! Let's Get Tracking

Welcome 2024!!! Let's Get Tracking

Hey all, Are you like me? Resolutions? Goals? 
New Ideas? Old Ideas but this time is THE TIME!!!
I used to be soooooo organized and then well you know-life. 
I am determined to get back on track this year especially with my budget and finances. I'm going to keep track!!!! I hope!!!
I have created and INCOME TRACKER and and EXPENSE TRACKER and I am sharing them with you. 
You can use them or not but they are pretty. 
There is one for each month. 
Print them all or Print them each month or 
Print them and do 3 months at a time. 
Shhhhhhhhhh, I won't tell anyone. 
I plan on tracking MONTHLY! Do you want help staying on track?
Let me know by hitting the Reply arrow and I will remind you all when I am writing down my Income and Expenses. 
You don't need to have a small business like I do to track your income and expenses. You may be very suprised to learn where you are hard earned money is going. 
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