Let's Be Kind to Ourselves

Let's Be Kind to Ourselves

Painting and Creating is not really about the what you create or paint. 

Painting and Creating is about:

1. Being kind to ourselves

2. Self Care

3. The feelings we get when we are creating and painting

It's about the things we think about and the things we don't think about while we paint, and things we say to ourselves or don't say to ourselves while we paint and create. 

I paint for fun, stress relief, self care, me time and of course to help others with all of these things as well. 

I started painting during a very difficult time in my personal life. I was a single mom of 2, feeling like a failure and looking for something to do that would keep my mine occupied. I joined an adult art class at my local high school. We met once a week for 2 hours each class. As I painted, I healed. I did not even realize it at first. I sat in the back and was more interested in the quiet time than I was in painting. As the hours passed, I realized I was pretty good at painting. I wanted to learn more but even more importantly, my mind stopped and painting brought a sense of peace over me. 

Fast forward to 2016, when my older sister was diagnosed with a rare brain disease called CJD. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare, extremely rapid worsening brain disorder that causes unique changes in brain tissue and affects muscle coordination thinking, and memory. My vibrant, healthy and energetic sister was gone in 8 weeks total from when she entered the hospital. It was devastating. I felt like I was hit by a bus. 

You can learn more about CJD here: 


Art, painting and creating helped me mourn and heal. When I was painting was the only time I could stop the narrative in my head. Art helped me so my mission is to help others find joy through art. I am here to guide others to use art to cope with life's challenges too.


Sometimes we don't even realize how bad we are feeling. Self criticism often comes more naturally than self-compassion.

Next time you hear that voice in your head, check if it is being gentle and well-mannered.

Are you being kind to yourself?

Do you need a tool like painting or creating to help you be more mindful and create some self care for yourself?

Pick up a few supplies and recognize the feelings you are creating within yourself vs the actual art you art creating. 

Instead of focusing on perceived flaws, find the beauty in your unique art. Let every brushstroke be a step in creating a positive feeling and not a potential mistake.

Our inner voice shapes  our experiences.

Replace that voice!!!! 

Replace"I can't get this right" with "I'm learning and improving with every painting."

Or change "This doesn't look good" for "I'm curious to see how this develops." Painting is a process of layering. It takes steps to get to the finished project. 

Creativity thrives in an atmosphere of encouragement. Be kind to yourself vs critcial. 

So let's make kind choices for ourselves and remember these objectives while we are painting:

1. Being kind to ourselves

2. Self Care

3. The feelings we get when we are creating and painting

And if you need help getting started, 

Check out the step by step acrylic painting tutorials on my Youtube channel

Teresa's Spot for Easy Simple Beginner Art


Grab my FREE Acrylic Paint Brush Guide here:


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